Saturday, April 02, 2011

Yes, and...

I am an improviser. 

I love improv. I love telling stories on stage - interacting with individuals both on stage and in the audience to weave a story never seen nor heard before. Talk about an adrenaline rush! And laughter is the best medicine...

A foundational principle of improv is one of acceptance and giving: "Yes, and...". Improvisers aim to accept an offer, or an idea, with "Yes". Then, they expand or advance that idea with their own; "and...".

Let's build a sand castle!
Yes, and let's build it using buckets and shovels!
Yes, and let's make towers out of the buckets!
Yes, and let's alternate the buckets by color!

My God is an improviser. 
I am a grand idea.
He accepts me, and offers to advance my story with ideas of His own.
Yes, He whispers; and I've got even better plans.
I needn't wait until I'm a grand story to involve Him; He's what makes the story grand.
(You are not to wait for great occasions or to expect extraordinary abilities before you go to work for God. [Steps to Christ 83])

I'm also an editor. Those three dots that follow "Yes, and..."? An ellipsis. An ellipsis signifies that the idea or story isn't complete; there's more to be read, more to be seen, more to be lived.

My God is the God of ellipses.

Yes! Go, therefore, and make stories in all nations; you are My fragrance, My aroma.
And I have great plans for you, plans for your hope and future...
[adapted from Matthew 28:19, II Corinthians 2:14-15, Jeremiah 29:11]

Yes, and...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats so cool to think of God as an improv lover...Never thought of Him that way before.